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One Day Courier Service in India

Efficient One-Day delivery: guaranteed speed and efficiency with Borzo

One Day Courier Service in India - woman courier in blue clothes with a box cartoon style illustration - Borzo

Premium One Day Courier Service in India

Borzo courier services in India offer a wide range of delivery solutions. What’s more, when you opt for Borzo courier service in India, you’re assured of one-day delivery. This commitment isn’t just about speed; it’s about ensuring your items arrive precisely when you need them.

₹ 48

Start from ₹ 48 for hyperlocal tariff in Mumbai and ₹ 9 per km in zone 1
Deliver anything - Borzo

90 min

We can deliver documents, products, flowers ASAP or at a specified time
Internet sales - Borzo


Selling online? Place orders via API. Find the guidelines at API Docs

Borzo Courier: Your Fast Track to Delivery Excellence

When you use Borzo courier services not only do you get one day delivery courier service but also:

  • The Fastest Courier Service and Delivery
  • Delivery As Soon As Possible Guaranteed
  • 90 Minute Delivery Goal
  • Or Specified Time Delivery for Your Delivery Needs
  • Low Prices for the Fastest Courier Available to You
  • Whatever Product or Items You Need Delivered in One Day (Documents, Flowers, Food, etc.)
  • Urgent Delivery at No Extra Cost
  • Online App to Track Your One Day Delivery and Courier in Seconds
  • The Ability to Keep in Contact With Your Courier
  • Pick Your Delivery Option to Be in Control of What You Want to Spend
  • Nearest and Highest Rated Courier Assigned in 7 Minutes
  • Book a Courier Without an Account Needed for Faster Service

With these outstanding features, it’s no surprise that people rely on Borzo courier services daily. By choosing Borzo, you gain access to a trustworthy courier service that prioritizes the safe and timely delivery of your items. Plus, Borzo offers a variety of tailored options to suit your specific delivery requirements. Visit borzodelivery.com/in for the most dependable and fastest one day courier service in India. It only takes a few minutes to get your delivery underway with India’s quickest courier service

Borzo is revolutionising express delivery

Borzo Delivery Calculator
Swiftly calculate delivery charges, say good-bye inconvenience of requesting quotes manually.
The number to contact the courier is Borzo

Each delivery point receives the courier’s contact details via SMS, ensuring smooth communication and tracking.

Depend on our reliable team of walkers and riders for prompt service within 7 minutes, regardless of the time of day.
Order delivery without registration - Borzo
Booking a courier delivery is straightforward; no need for account creation or contract signing — just provide sender and receiver phone numbers!
Our system automatically assigns top-rated and nearest couriers for expedited delivery.
Collaboration with businesses - Borzo delivery
Businesses can leverage Cash on Delivery (COD) with us for quick revenue turnover and cost-effectiveness.
Book a Borzo Courier With Just a Few Clicks

Book a Borzo Courier With Just a Few Clicks!

Your convenience is Our Specialty

Save Time with Borzo
Save Time with Borzo
Let us save you time; while you’re busy, we’ll manage your grocery or medicine deliveries efficiently.
Borzo couriers handle any items up for delivery with care
Modules platform
Effortlessly integrate Borzo’s delivery module into your Shopify store’s checkout process for convenient delivery.
Our delivery prices are calculated based on distance and type of delivery
Bulk ordering

For all registered users: simplify booking deliveries by uploading a spreadsheet to automatically generate a list of orders.

Delivery Service Options

Cheap delivery - Borzo

Cheap delivery

Match special requirements - Borzo couriers

Match special requirements

Bike delivery - Borzo

Bike delivery

Book a Borzo Courier With Just a Few Clicks

Book a Borzo Courier With Just a Few Clicks!