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14 Types of Marketing: Definition, Examples, and Statistics

Discover the different forms of marketing with clear definitions, practical examples, and key statistics to help you find the types that best suit your business.

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14 Types of Marketing - Borzo Blog
Supply and demand, consumer behaviour, and trends can all shift rapidly in a dynamic market. What works today might not be as effective tomorrow, and what’s trending now could be outdated in a few months. This constant evolution in the market is what drives marketing to adapt and diversify into various types.
So, what are the different types of marketing? Let’s find out the best strategy for your business!

14 Different Types of Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a broad field encompassing any marketing effort that involves the use of electronic devices or the internet. It includes a wide range of strategies and tactics designed to engage and connect with customers online, making it an essential part of modern business. By 2026, the digital marketing industry is expected to reach a staggering $807 billion, reflecting its growing significance.
Social Media Marketing - Borzo Blog

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on various social media platforms to promote a brand and engage with its audience. The essence of social media marketing lies in its ability to connect businesses with a large and diverse audience, fostering brand awareness and loyalty.
Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp have become central to these efforts, with 4.9 billion people using social media globally as of 2023, representing 60% of the world’s population. Businesses utilise these platforms to publish content that resonates with their audience, encouraging interaction and engagement, which are key to achieving marketing and branding objectives.
Email Marketing - Borzo Blog

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most direct and cost-effective methods for businesses to communicate with their customers. This strategy involves sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers with the intent of building relationships, promoting products or services, and delivering valuable information.
The effectiveness of email marketing is highlighted by its impressive return on investment (ROI), with businesses seeing an average return of $36 to $40 for every $1 spent.
Affiliate Marketing - Borzo Blog

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each visitor or customer brought to them through the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. Affiliates are typically compensated through commissions, making this a cost-effective way for businesses to achieve their marketing goals.
TikTok content creators who promote various products during live sessions or through video content can be considered affiliates. When they share links to products, usually through a “yellow bag” icon, and their followers make purchases using those links, the creators earn a commission on each sale. This approach is highly effective because it allows businesses to tap into the influencer's audience, expanding their reach without upfront costs, as they only pay for results.
This approach allows businesses to leverage the reach and influence of affiliates to expand their customer base and drive sales. A 12:1 return on ad spend (ROAS) is typically obtained from affiliate marketing.
Influencer Marketing - Borzo Blog

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing capitalises on the reach and influence of individuals who have a significant following on social media or other online platforms. These influencers have the ability to shape the opinions and purchasing decisions of their audience, making this an increasingly powerful tool for brands.
Influencer marketing has become a major part of digital strategies, with 93% of marketers incorporating it into their campaigns. Moreover, a notable 89% of marketers report that the return on investment (ROI) from influencer marketing is comparable to or even better than other marketing channels, underscoring its effectiveness.
Mobile Marketing - Borzo Blog

5. Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing refers to any promotional activity conducted via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Given the widespread use of these devices, mobile marketing has become a crucial element of digital marketing strategies. It encompasses various approaches, including mobile apps, SMS marketing, and optimising websites for mobile users.
As of 2024, there are approximately 4.88 billion smartphone users worldwide, highlighting the vast reach of mobile marketing. It’s worth noting that 70% of mobile searches lead to online action within an hour, and 61% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from mobile-friendly sites. These statistics demonstrate the effectiveness of mobile marketing in driving consumer behaviour and enhancing the customer experience.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - Borzo Blog

6. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a digital strategy focused on enhancing a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertisements. SEM is a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic to a website, especially from users who are actively seeking products or services.
Businesses often use platforms like Google Ads to implement their SEM strategies, and the results can be significant—on average, businesses generate $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Google Ads. Additionally, 65% of clicks made by users with a purchase intent go to paid ads, highlighting the effectiveness of SEM in converting prospects into customers.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Borzo Blog

7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) involves optimising a website’s content, structure, and metadata to improve its organic ranking on search engines. Unlike SEM, which relies on paid ads, SEO focuses on organic methods to increase visibility and attract traffic.
It’s estimated that 68% of all online experiences start with a search engine, and 92.96% of traffic on the internet comes from Google Maps, Google Images, and Google Search. SEO is a fundamental component of digital marketing because it targets users who are actively searching for information, products, or services.
Voice Marketing - Borzo Blog

8. Voice Marketing

Voice marketing leverages smart speakers and voice assistants to interact with customers, capitalising on the rising use of voice search. This approach can enhance customer convenience and streamline interactions with brands.
The voice assistant market was valued at $5.7 billion in 2023, making a significant jump to the current trends in the market. Domino’s Pizza, for one, uses Amazon Alexa to allow customers to place orders via voice commands, improving both convenience and customer experience.

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing encompasses any marketing efforts that occur offline, distinct from the digital realm. This includes a variety of methods such as print media, broadcast, direct mail, and telemarketing. Despite the increasing focus on digital strategies, traditional marketing remains a valuable component of many businesses' marketing strategies. In fact, 32% of businesses have invested more in traditional marketing than in digital marketing, reflecting its enduring relevance.
Direct Mail Marketing - Borzo Blog

9. Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing involves sending physical promotional materials, such as postcards, catalogues, or newsletters, directly to potential customers. This method offers a tangible and personal way to reach an audience. The effectiveness of direct mail is notable, with a response rate of 4.9% for prospect lists and 9% for house lists, making it one of the most effective traditional marketing methods.
Telemarketing - Borzo Blog

10. Telemarketing

Telemarketing is a direct approach that involves marketing goods or services through telephone calls. Despite the rise of digital alternatives, telemarketing remains a highly effective strategy, especially in B2B marketing. In fact, the global telemarketing market was valued at around $24 billion in 2023. This approach continues to be important in some industries because it makes lead generation and sales closing especially simple and straightforward.
Print Marketing - Borzo Blog

11. Print Marketing

Print marketing covers a broad spectrum of materials, including brochures, posters, flyers, and business cards, all aimed at reaching your target audience directly. These materials are often distributed through various channels, such as ads in print magazines, direct mail campaigns, and handing out flyers at events or in busy areas.
This traditional method is instrumental in creating brand awareness and delivering information directly to consumers. Print ads are trusted by 82% of consumers, underscoring their credibility and effectiveness as a form of advertising.
Public Relations (PR) - Borzo Blog

12. Public Relations (PR)

Public Relations (PR) revolves around shaping how information about an individual or company reaches the public, aiming to influence perceptions without direct advertising. PR strategies involve crafting and managing the narrative around a brand to foster a positive public image.
The global PR market was valued at approximately $107 billion in 2023, with projections indicating growth to nearly $134 billion by 2027. A significant trend noted is the increasing impact of digital storytelling, which 88% of PR professionals believe will shape the future of the industry.
Sponsorship Marketing - Borzo Blog

13. Sponsorship Marketing

Sponsorship marketing sees a company supporting an event, activity, person, or organisation either financially or through products and services. The aim is to associate the brand with the positive attributes of the sponsored entity.
An example of successful sponsorship is Coca-Cola’s long-standing support of the Olympic Games, aligning the brand with sportsmanship and global unity.
Event Marketing - Borzo Blog

14. Event Marketing

Event marketing focuses on creating themed exhibitions, displays, or presentations to promote a product, service, cause, or organisation through direct engagement. After an event, 98% of attendees say they are more likely to buy something, underscoring the importance of in-person interactions in marketing strategies.

The Best Type of Marketing for Your Business

Choosing the right marketing strategy depends on various factors such as the nature of your business, its size, resources, capabilities, target market, industry, and other specific circumstances. Let’s explore how these factors influence marketing decisions with real-world examples:

1. Nature of Your Business

  • Product vs. Service-Based Businesses:
    • Apple (Product-Based): Apple focuses on product launch events or event marketing, highlighting the design and innovation of its products. Their "Shot on iPhone" campaign showcases user-generated content, aligning with their emphasis on product quality.
    • Consulting Firms (Service-Based): Service-based businesses like consulting firms often rely on public relations and thought leadership. For example, McKinsey & Company publishes research papers and articles that establish them as industry experts.

2. Business Size

  • Large Enterprises:
    • Nike: As a global brand, Nike uses integrated marketing campaigns that combine traditional advertising, digital marketing, and influencer partnerships. Their sponsorship of major sports events and collaboration with athletes helps reinforce their brand identity on a large scale.
  • Small Businesses:
    • Local Flower Shops: A small flower shop in Mumbai might focus on word-of-mouth marketing and local SEO to attract nearby customers. They might also use social media marketing to showcase their floral arrangements and engage with the community.

3. Resources and Capabilities

  • High-Resource Businesses:
    • Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola’s "Share a Coke" campaign required significant resources for global distribution and personalized production. They used traditional advertising, digital marketing, and in-store promotions to create an emotional connection with customers.
  • Low-Resource Businesses:
    • Startups: A startup with limited resources might focus on guerrilla marketing or viral marketing campaigns. For example, Dollar Shave Club gained massive attention with a low-budget, humorous video that went viral, effectively using content marketing to reach millions of potential customers.

4. Target Market

  • Mass Market:
    • Pepsi: Targeting a broad audience, Pepsi uses mass media advertising, emotional branding, and global campaigns to appeal to a wide demographic. Their marketing focuses on universal themes like happiness and sharing.
  • Niche Market:
    • Lush Cosmetics: Lush targets environmentally conscious consumers by focusing on ethical marketing. Their campaigns highlight cruelty-free, handmade products and engage customers through social media and influencer partnerships.

5. Industry

  • Fashion and Apparel:
    • Adidas: In the competitive fashion and apparel industry, Nike’s marketing strategy includes influencer marketing, event sponsorship, and digital advertising. Their campaigns often feature professional athletes and focus on themes like empowerment and performance.
  • Technology:
    • Google: Google’s marketing strategy includes a mix of content marketing, SEO, and digital advertising. Their approach is highly data-driven, using insights from customer behaviour to refine and optimize their campaigns.

6. Specific Circumstances

  • Emerging Trends:
    • Tesla: Tesla has expertly capitalised on the rising trend of electric vehicles (EVs) and sustainability. This company aligns its product releases with the growing demand for eco-friendly transportation and innovations in EV technology, such as impressive vehicle performance and an extensive Supercharger network.
  • Seasonal Marketing:
    • Retailers: Retail businesses often use seasonal marketing strategies. For example, during the holiday season, brands like John Lewis create emotionally charged TV ads that resonate with consumers, driving sales during peak shopping periods.
Finding the right approach takes time and requires thorough planning. Marketing success doesn't happen overnight. It's about learning how and when to take calculated risks with your resources to implement the most effective campaign for your business.

Don’t be afraid to explore different strategies and keep an eye on emerging trends. Staying relevant in a fast-changing market can make all the difference in your marketing efforts. Ultimately, the best type of marketing is one that resonates with your audience, aligns with your business goals, and adapts to the ever-dynamic market.

The Role of Distribution in Marketing: Why Borzo is Your Ideal Partner

The 4Ps of marketing—product, price, place, and promotion—are the building blocks of a successful strategy. Among these, place is crucial because it ensures your product is available where and when customers need it, all referring to distribution. This highlights the importance of getting your product into the hands of your customers in the most efficient and accessible way possible.
Effective distribution is significant to your marketing strategy. After all, what’s the point of an incredible marketing campaign if your customers can’t easily access your product or service?
The good news is that there are logistics partners like Borzo that can help ensure your products reach your customers quickly and reliably. With a service like Borzo, you can focus on crafting the perfect marketing campaign, knowing that the delivery aspect is in capable hands. Use the promo code BORZOSAVE20 for a discount on your next order above ₹500. Book now!
The Role of Distribution in Marketing: Why Borzo is Your Ideal Partner

Marketing Types FAQ

What is the difference between marketing and advertising?

Marketing Types - Borzo Blog
Marketing and advertising are closely related but serve distinct purposes. Marketing is a broad process focused on identifying, predicting, and addressing customer needs and wants. It covers a range of activities from market research and product development to pricing strategies and distribution. The ultimate goal of marketing is to create value for customers and foster strong relationships, which in turn captures value for the business. This encompasses various strategies, including content marketing, social media, email marketing, and public relations.
On the other hand, advertising is a specific subset of marketing dedicated to promoting a product, service, or brand through paid channels. It involves crafting and delivering messages to target audiences via mediums like TV, radio, print, online ads, and billboards. The primary objective of advertising is to inform, persuade, and remind potential customers about a product or service, with the aim of driving sales. Activities in advertising include designing ad campaigns, creating advertisements, and selecting the right media channels to reach the intended audience.
In essence, advertising is a component of marketing. While marketing encompasses the entire process of bringing a product to market and building lasting customer relationships, advertising specifically focuses on communicating the product’s value to the audience through paid channels.
Learn more about advertising in this blog: 10 Types of Advertising for Your Business.

How do I track what marketing methods are working?

Knowing the effectiveness of your marketing methods is essential for maximising your return on investment and refining your strategies. Here’s how you can track what marketing methods are working for you.
    • Website Analytics: Tools like Google Analytics are your go-to for understanding website traffic and user behaviour. You’ll get insights into which pages are popular and how visitors are interacting with your site.
    • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: CRMs like Salesforce or HubSpot help you keep track of customer interactions and sales data, showing you which marketing efforts are turning prospects into customers.
    • Call Tracking: By using unique phone numbers for different campaigns, you can see which ones are generating the most calls. This helps you figure out which marketing strategies are most effective at getting people to pick up the phone.
    • Ad Network Conversion Tracking: Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer detailed analytics on how your ads are performing, including click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates. This lets you know if your ads are hitting the mark.
    • Unique URLs and UTM Parameters: Add unique URLs or UTM parameters to your marketing materials. This will help you track where your traffic is coming from and which campaigns are driving the most visitors and conversions.
    • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboards: Tools like Tableau or Google Data Studio can help you create dashboards that pull data from different sources, giving you a complete picture of your marketing performance.
    • Customer Feedback: Don’t underestimate the power of feedback. Surveys, reviews, and direct conversations with customers can reveal how they found you and what made them choose to engage with your brand.
    • Forms and Lead Capture: Keep an eye on how well your forms and lead capture methods are performing. Knowing which forms generate the most leads and where they come from can help you tweak your strategies.
    • Social Media Analytics: Use the built-in analytics tools from social media platforms to track engagement, reach, and conversions. This will show you how well your social media campaigns are doing.
    • Email Marketing Metrics: Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions from your email campaigns. This will help you see which messages resonate most with your audience.

What resources or tools do you use to stay updated on market trends?

Staying updated with market trends is one of the biggest challenges in marketing. With the seven tips listed below, you will discover the different ways to stay up to date on news and market trends.
    1. Read Industry Publications and Websites. Regularly check trade journals, magazines, and industry-specific websites like Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and Bloomberg for the latest updates and insights.
    2. Follow Thought Leaders on Social Media. Engage with industry experts on LinkedIn and Twitter to keep abreast of new trends and best practices directly from the source.
    3. Use Aggregator Apps. Tools like Flipboard and Feedly can help you stay focused on relevant news by curating updates based on your interests and filtering out the noise.
    4. Listen to Podcasts and Attend Webinars. Tune into industry-specific podcasts and webinars for discussions on current trends and future predictions. These formats often feature expert opinions and deep dives into relevant topics.
    5. Network and Join Professional Groups. Connect with peers and attend industry conferences or professional associations. Networking can provide valuable insights into market shifts and emerging trends.
    6. Read Market Research Reports. Subscribe to reports from firms like Gartner, McKinsey, or Nielsen for detailed analysis and forecasts that can inform your strategic decisions.
    7. Collect Customer Feedback. Regularly survey your customers to understand their evolving needs and preferences. This direct feedback can highlight new trends and opportunities relevant to your business.

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