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What Is a Chatbot? Exploring Basics, Benefits, and Creation

Discover what a chatbot is, how it works, and the value it brings to businesses and customers. Learn how to create a chatbot and explore the world of AI digital assistants in this comprehensive guide.

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What is a Chatbot? - Borzo Blog

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Guess what? You might be talking to a robot—or, shall I say, a chatbot? In this digital age, it's hard to tell what's real or not, but one thing is certain: bots are everywhere! Whether you're browsing a shopping website and a chat window pops up or you're ordering food online, chances are you're interacting with chatbots. But don't worry—they're not here to take over the world. They're designed to make our lives easier, one conversation at a time. In fact, bots can manage 30% of live chat communications and 80% of routine tasks.
With the increasing demand for 24/7 customer service, businesses are now capitalising on the power of chatbots. Interestingly, 64% of consumers claim that the best feature of chatbots is their availability around the clock. For businesses, cutting operational expenses is also a big challenge. In contrast to customer support agents who make approximately $19.5 per hour, the average cost of a chatbot interaction is only $0.50 to $0.70. Clearly, chatbots offer a cost-effective and efficient solution to these challenges, making them an invaluable asset for modern businesses.
Given that chatbots are more of a help than a threat to businesses and customers, what exactly are chatbots, and how do they work?

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is a software application designed to simulate human conversation through text or voice interactions. These virtual assistants can answer questions, provide information, and even perform tasks like booking appointments or processing orders.
The concept of chatbots dates back to the 1960s with the creation of ELIZA, one of the first chatbots developed at MIT. Since then, chatbots have evolved significantly, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Modern chatbots are much more sophisticated and can handle a wide range of tasks with greater accuracy.

How Do Chatbots Work?

How Do Chatbots Work? - Borzo Blog
At their core, chatbots operate by parsing user input and responding with pre-programmed or dynamically generated replies. They use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and interpret the user’s message.

Types of Chatbots

1.Rule-based Chatbots: These chatbots follow a set of predefined rules and responses. They are relatively simple and best suited for straightforward tasks.
2.AI Chatbots: Powered by artificial intelligence, these chatbots can learn from interactions and improve over time. They use machine learning and deep learning techniques to understand and respond to complex queries.

Key Technologies Behind Chatbots

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): This is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables chatbots to understand and process human language.
  • Machine Learning (ML): This allows chatbots to learn from data and improve their responses. Simply put, AI bots can gather information and forecast acceptable outcomes based on how they engage with consumers.
  • Deep Learning: This is a subset of machine learning that uses multilayered neural networks to mimic human brain functions.

The Value Chatbots Bring to Businesses and Customers

For Businesses

The Value Chatbots Bring to Businesses and Customers - Borzo Blog
    • Cost Efficiency: Chatbots reduce customer service costs by up to 30% by automating routine inquiries and handling multiple queries simultaneously, allowing businesses to operate with smaller support teams and save on labour costs.
    • Improved Customer Engagement: By using customer data to offer personalised interactions, chatbots can resolve 69% of customer queries independently, enhancing satisfaction and building stronger customer relationships.
    • Increased Sales: Business leaders report a 67% increase in sales due to chatbots guiding customers through the purchasing process, offering product suggestions, and closing sales, leading to higher conversion rates.
    • Proactive Customer Support: About 68% of shoppers view brands more favourably when they offer proactive customer service, and chatbots enable businesses to provide relevant assistance before customers even ask, enhancing the overall customer experience.

For Customers

How chatbots benefit customers - Borzo Blog
    • Instant Responses: Approximately 96% of customers expect a response within five minutes, and chatbots meet this demand by providing quick answers, significantly improving the customer experience.
    • Convenience: Chatbots are available 24/7, offering easy access to information and services through messaging apps or websites, ensuring customer needs are met promptly at any time.
    • Personalisation: Personalised service leads to 44% of buyers becoming repeat customers, and chatbots achieve this by remembering past interactions and preferences, offering tailored recommendations that make customers feel valued.

How to Create a Chatbot

How to Create a Chatbot - Borzo Blog

1.Identify the Purpose and Scope

Start by identifying the purpose of your chatbot. What tasks will it perform? Who is the target audience? Understanding these aspects will shape your chatbot’s design and functionality.

2.Choose the Right Platform

Explore different chatbot platforms based on your needs. Popular options include:
  • Chatfuel: A user-friendly platform suitable for beginners.
  • Microsoft Bot Framework: Offers robust features and integrates well with Microsoft services.
  • Dialogflow: Powered by Google, it provides natural language understanding capabilities.

3.Design the Conversation Flow

Map out potential user interactions, considering scenarios, questions, and responses. Ensure the conversation flow is smooth and intuitive to enhance user experience.

4.Implement Personalisation and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

This is to help your chatbot understand and respond naturally. Personalise answers based on user context and preferences to make interactions more engaging.

5.Develop the Chatbot

Depending on your technical expertise, you have a few options:
  • No-Code Approach: Use platforms like Tidio or IBM Watson Assistant to create a chatbot without coding.
  • Low-Code Approach: Leverage tools like Chatfuel or Azure Bot Service for easier development.
  • Code-Based Approach: If you’re tech-savvy, consider building from scratch using Python or other programming languages.

6.Execute Testing before Deployment

Thoroughly test your chatbot to ensure it works as intended. Once tested, deploy it on your desired platform, whether it's a website, app, or social media channel.

Difference Between Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Difference Between Chatbots and Virtual Assistants - Borzo Blog
Many chatbots now support voice-based communication alongside text-based chat. However, this doesn’t mean that they are virtual assistants. Here’s their primary difference:
  • Chatbots: These are designed to handle specific tasks or queries. They often follow predefined rules and scripted responses. For example, chatbots excel at providing customer support, answering basic questions, and automating repetitive processes.
  • Virtual Assistants: Also referred to as digital assistants, they perform a broader range of tasks and adapt to user preferences over time. Virtual assistants can also execute more complicated tasks like managing smart home devices, making calls, playing music, scheduling reminders, and even translating speech to text.

Examples of Popular Digital Assistants

Siri: Apple's digital assistant, integrated into iOS devices.
Alexa: Amazon's voice-controlled assistant, used in Echo devices.
Google Assistant: Available on Android devices and Google Home speakers.
Chatbots are task-focused and provide guided experiences, while virtual assistants offer more personalized assistance and have the potential for automation.

Challenges and Limitations of Chatbots

Challenges and Limitations of Chatbots - Borzo Blog
Despite their potential to be a great tool for increasing efficiency and providing self-service, chatbots do have certain drawbacks. A chatbot can actually make the digital customer experience worse rather than better if these problems are not resolved. So, here are the challenges and limitations of chatbots to look out for.
    • Lack of Practical Intelligence: It has been reported that 60% of customers worry that chatbots are not appropriately responding to their questions. Despite recent advancements in AI technology, chatbots may still encounter difficulty solving complex problems because of their contextual unawareness, poor critical thinking, and limited creativity. Because of this, chatbots often provide generic responses because they can't understand the full context of conversations.
    • No Human Connection: Aside from the lack of knowledge, chatbots also fall short in terms of empathy and compassion. Due to their lack of human comprehension, chatbots may find it difficult to give customers the assistance they need in certain circumstances. As a result, rather than interacting with chatbots, 60% of consumers would prefer to wait for a human representative to become available.
    • No Communication with Business Systems: Some chatbots operate independently, without direct access to databases, APIs, or other backend systems. This implies that chatbots might not always have instant access to the most recent information when a user requests specific information. In the worst case scenario, chatbot responses might become outdated due to system data not being synchronized.
Even though chatbots have certain fundamental problems, that does not mean there are no solutions. In fact, chatbots can be a useful tool for your business operations when they are closely supervised by a person. Additionally, as AI and machine learning continue to progress, chatbots will eventually be able to overcome these constraints and become even more powerful and adaptable.

Optimising Order Fulfilment with Chatbots and Borzo

As we look to the future, advancements in chatbot technology are poised to transform customer service. While these developments are still in the investigative stages, we can expect rapid evolution with improvements in internet connectivity, generative AI, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML). These advancements could lead to more accurate data collection, providing deeper insights into customer behaviours and enabling predictive buying patterns.
Integrating chatbots into your business operations could potentially lead to an increase in orders and customer interactions. To manage this growth effectively, partnering with third-party logistics providers like Borzo can be a smart move. Borzo, a leading courier service provider, can help you meet the rising demand and ensure timely deliveries while focusing on your core business activities.
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Chatbot FAQs

1. How much time does it take to create a chatbot?

Timeframe for Developing a Chatbot:
The development timeframe for a chatbot varies based on its complexity and the features required. Simple chatbots, which operate on simple rule-based systems with predefined responses, can be set up in as little as half an hour. In contrast, conversational AI chatbots that utilise natural language understanding (NLU), machine learning, and context-awareness tend to take longer. Developing these more advanced chatbots might require anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks, depending on their complexity and certain factors.
Several factors influence the development time of chatbots. The functionality of the chatbot plays a significant role; chatbots with more features and interactions will naturally take longer to develop. Integration with existing systems or databases adds another layer of complexity, requiring additional time. Customisation to tailor responses to specific business needs also contributes to the development timeline. Lastly, iterative testing and improvements are crucial steps that can extend the overall development process, ensuring the chatbot meets all required standards and performs effectively. Overall, the development and implementation of a single chatbot may require 4 to 12 months.

2. How much does a chatbot cost?

Whether you decide to pay a monthly membership fee for the software or construct a chatbot internally will determine the cost of a chatbot.
  • Standard Software Pricing:
Ranges from $0 to $500 per month. These are off-the-shelf chatbot solutions with predefined features.
Suitable for basic use cases and smaller businesses.
  • Enterprise Software Pricing:
Typically falls between $600 and $5,000 per month.
Offers more advanced features, scalability, and customization options.
Ideal for larger organizations with complex requirements.
  • In-House Chatbot Development:
Costs around $10,000 per month.
You build a custom chatbot internally, tailored to your specific needs.
Requires skilled developers and ongoing maintenance.
  • Outsourced Agency for Chatbot Development:
Ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 per month (including development and maintenance).
You hire an external agency to create and manage your chatbot.
Provides expertise without the need for in-house resources.
  • Consumption-Based Fee:
Varies from $0.006 to $1 per text or audio request.
Pay only for actual usage, making it flexible.
Commonly used for chatbots integrated into existing systems.

3. What is the best AI chatbot builder?

Here are some popular chatbot providers of 2024, according to Forbes:
  • 1.HubSpot Chatbot Builder
    HubSpot’s Chatbot Builder is user-friendly and part of the Sales Hub. It allows businesses to automate tasks like booking meetings and qualifying leads. No coding knowledge is required, and you can personalize messages using data from your CRM.
  • 2.Intercom
    Intercom’s chatbot, called Resolution Bot, offers customization options. Pricing varies, but it’s suitable for small businesses. Features include customized logos, email templates, dynamic audience targeting, and integrations.
  • 3.Drift
    Drift specializes in sales chatbots. It provides analytics and AI products to enhance customer interactions. Pricing depends on business size and requirements.
  • 4.Salesforce Einstein
    Salesforce Einstein integrates with Salesforce and offers AI-powered chatbots. It’s ideal for Salesforce users looking to enhance customer support and engagement.
  • 5.WP-Chatbot
    WP-Chatbot is designed for WordPress sites. It helps automate customer interactions and provides a seamless experience for website visitors.
  • 6.LivePerson
    LivePerson excels in omnichannel messaging. It allows businesses to engage with customers across various platforms, including web, mobile, and social media.
  • 7.Genesys DX
    Genesys DX focuses on natural language processing (NLP). It’s great for creating chatbots that understand and respond to user queries effectively.

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