Home — Borzo India — Borzo + Shopify: How to integrate Borzo package for Shopify

1. Go to Borzo Shopify app page.

2. If needed – please authorise. Enter the URL of your shop and press “Log in”.

3. Verify the installation by pressing the button “Install app”.

4. Enter your user id and password from Borzo account (Website)

5. Install the delivery service and widget for order page by pressing the green button.

6. Fill the information about the pick up location, where courier would pick up the item
- City
- Address: address of shop/ warehouse which is the pick up location
- Opening Hours
- Closing Hours
- Days of the week where the Shop/ Warehouse is open
- Receiver Name
- Phone Number
- Additional Notes for courier pick up person
After that click on “Continue”.

7. General Order Parameters
Default vehicle type. For choosing the preferred vehicle type of courier.
Choose “Walking” if you wish couriers to use Public transport.
Default pickup warehouse used in calculation: We will use its coordinates for calculating the price of delivery to the customer on checkout.
Default order weight (kg): This will be picked as default weight, if not entered while ordering
Order payment markup: Additional price which you wish to charge for the delivery. You can earn additional money from delivery if you make it more expensive for your customer. You will not be charged this markup from our end.
Item price Rs 1000, our price for delivery is Rs 50, your charge for delivery is extra Rs 10. Customer will see Rs 60 on the checkout page; your additional earning is Rs 10;
Order payment discount: Part of the delivery price, which you are willing to pay instead of your customer in order to attract more customers by providing cheaper delivery.
Item price Rs 1000, our price for delivery Rs 50, your price discount is Rs 10. Customer will see Rs 40 on checkout page instead of Rs 50.
Fix order payment: You can set fixed delivery charge for every order
Minimal order price for free shipping: Order value over which the delivery will become free for customer. In this case the delivery charges will be borne by you.
Example: if item is over Rs 500, customer will see delivery price of Rs 0 on the checkout page
Delivery point note prefix: We will add this text to the comment on each point.
Example: “courier should call in one hour before arrival”;
Declared value (insurance) We commit to compensate the value of the item for 0.8% of order price (customer pays), the compensation is possible only in case when the item was broken or missed.
Buyout on pick up point: Courier will pay for the item when they will pick it up.
Matter weight prefix: We will inform courier about the real weight of the order, so only those who can carry it will take orders.Example: Courier will see “Weight: 2 kg. Leather shoes”
After that press “Continue”.
Shopify has 5 plans* available:
- Shopify Lite ($9)
- Basic ($29 + 2% of transactions)
- Shopify ($79 + 2% of transactions)
- Advanced ($299)
- Shopify Plus (Enterprise)
*prices may vary
Shopify allows for shipping price calculation at the checkout page using 3rd party apps at an additional cost if you are on Basic plan with monthly payments OR if you are on Basic plan with annual payments. Contact Shopify support team for more details on that.