NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —–  NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg —– NEW: Try our 3-wheeler and mini truck delivery and move up to 1000 kg

Same Day delivery service for your business

Hyperlocal, On-Demand, E-Commerce & Bulk deliveries

Within city deliveries in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata,
Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Surat, Goa, & Chandigarh

Menina na entrega - taxas de envio-borzo delivery / Servicio de entrega - chica con paquete - borzo entrega / Giá cả phải chăng chi phí vận chuyển - cô gái-trọn gói - borzo giao hàng / Menina na entrega - taxas de envio-borzo delivery

Borzo for your Business

Entrega no mesmo dia - ícone relógios - borzo delivery / Delivery at the specified time - clock icon - borzo couriers / Entrega el mismo día-icono relojes - borzo app / Giao hàng theo thời gian quy định - biểu tượng đồng hồ-borzo couriers / Pengiriman pada waktu yang ditentukan-ikon jam-kurir borzo
Fast Pickup

95% of our orders are picked up within 20 minutes

Sin sobrepagos - icono-dinero-borzo aplicación / Tidak ada kelebihan pembayaran-ikon-uang-aplikasi borzo
Cash on Delivery

Same Day COD amount remittance to your account

Pengiriman aman-ikon-mesin-pengiriman borzo / pelacakan pesanan mudah-ikon-lokasi-pengiriman borzo
Safe Delivery

Parcels secured at low costs & delivered contact-less

Localização da sua cidade - borzo delivery / Seguimiento en tiempo real - icono de ubicación - borzo app
Order Scheduling & tracking

Schedule as per your convenience. Live tracking of orders

Pengiriman ke beberapa alamat-Aplikasi pengiriman Borzo
Bulk Orders

Quick upload of orders with Route optimization & more savings

Placing orders via API - computer with gear - borzo delivery / Đặt hàng QUA API-computer với gear-borzo couriers / Menempatkan pesanan melalui API-komputer dengan pengiriman gear - borzo / Menempatkan pesanan melalui API-komputer dengan pengiriman gear-borzo
Easy API & CMS integration

Setup through APIs or via
Shopify, WordPress websites
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Acompanhe seu saldo - ícone do computador - borzo delivery / Theo dõi số dư của bạn-biểu tượng máy tính-borzo couriers
Subscription Plans

Order more, Save more with cashback subscription plans
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Correios registrados - ícone das pessoas - borzo delivery / Oficina de correos registrada - icono de la gente - borzo couriers / Kantor pos terdaftar - ikon orang-kurir borzo
Dedicated Chat Support

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Personal manager is here to answer any of your questions upon form fulfillment